The Trelawnyd Memorial Hall and Community Association TCA - An Introduction

The TCA was formed in 2018 by a group of friends to try and enhance social cohesion and reduce loneliness in our small rural village. The aim was to provide activities, entertainment and education as well as advocacy and help for those that needed it.   The TCA has been successful in pulling together residents efforts and has in the last few years  grown in membership and successfully run a large number of different events which have benefited the village. As a registered charity all proceeds are used on village projects and Trustees receive no remuneration.  The Chair of the TCA is now Bridget Richards and the secretary Linda Evans

Some of our projects since 2018 include:-

Village Carnival; Flower and produce; regular Coffee mornings; an independent Youth Club; an independent Toddler Group; replanting of flower beds; renovating the village pond area; and creating a community orchard. A project waiting to start is the renovation of the Well Street Phone box into an information point.  Members have also used their combined experience to help residents deal with bureaucracy.

The highlight of 2022 was to run a free street party for the late queens jubilee - a fantastic community event.

The TCA are also now taking on its biggest challenge of running the Memorial Hall. First put forward as an idea 2 years ago the Community Association has now signed a 27 yr lease and hopes that the village will come together to help save and run this much loved building which is really the heart of our community. The TCA will need your support.

Our trustees and members are now committed to ensure the Memorial Hall Building is saved for the village to use and welcome new members and ideas 
